Browse Category


A collection of useful links for Android developers

I found a convenient way to organize websites that proved to be useful, during the process of developing Android apps.

I organized them in my Trello board (called “Android Developer Links“), combined with the gorgeous Google Chrome extension that is “Trello Card Links“.

I will keep updating this list on an almost daily basis, so feel free to check them out and offer other useful tools yourselves – just post then in the comments below!

SharedPreferences helper class example


ShPref.put(R.string.some_key, System.currentTimeMillis());
ShPref.put("some_hard_coded_key", System.currentTimeMillis());


ShPref.getLong(R.string.some_key, -1); // -1 default value
ShPref.getLong("some_hard_coded_key", -1); // -1 default value

Keep Reading

Oracle certification, Java SE 7 Programmer I (1Z0-803)

Useful information about this exam:

And this is how the Java SE 7 Programmer I certification looks like:
