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Kotlin logging library – First Medium post

I’m happy to share with you my new article at @AT&T Israel R&D Center Medium blog >>>
The default logging solution is minimal, and I believe that most of us have already written a wrapper class and copied it from project to project.
Originally I created my Logging library in Java and recently I converted it to Kotlin. Now I want to share it with you.

Picasso vs Glide vs Coil

Points of comparison:

  • Methods count
  • Size
  • GIF support

GitHub links and versions I used: Picasso, Glide, Coil. (2.71828, 4.9.0, 0.6.1)

Release date: Picasso and Glide were first released in 2013. And Coil is very young, released on 12 August 2019.

Methods count

How many methods each of them will add to your project (proguard enabled):

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Dagger 2

Simple and funny tutorial about dependency injection library Dagger 2.

In other words, manually managing the dependency injection is like, mining the dragon glass — taking permission from the dragon queen and then forging them as weapons and then to go and fight with the White Walkers (hard dependency issues). Dagger 2 framework is like the valyrian swords — it’s been created by masters and all you need is to just wield it.

Indicators library

Recently, I created a custom view, and after having used it for several of my projects, I decided to publish it as a library.

How to use it:




Gps Detector Library

What does the library do for you?

  1.  It checks whether GPS is enabled in your device. If it’s already enabled – you’ll be informed about it.
  2. In case that GPS is disabled, a dialog will appear (as can be seen on the right). Once you press “accept”, the GPS will be turned on.

The library speeds up the GPS enabling process, by sparing the user to change the settings in the android system.

So, let’s figure out how to use it.

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